Full-stack web developer with 5 years of professional experience, mostly focused on various frontend technologies, backend with PHP, and HTML5 canvas

Especially proficient in vanilla web technologies (HTML5, JS, CSS, PHP) and in HTML5 canvas development (with the Pixi.js library)

Freelance game developer who created the award-winning Flash game The World's Hardest Game in 2008 (now converted to HTML5 canvas)

Recently relocated to Toronto, Canada after living/working in Berlin, Germany for the past 5 years, and now looking for new opportunities

Stephen Critoph

You can learn more about me from a small documentary of one my games (which includes a short biography), or check out my resume.

About Me

Here's an early build of a HTML5 canvas game I'm working on (using only the library Pixi.js). You can see some collision detection and camera panning if you use the arrow keys move around to different areas. This demo is quite simple for now, but I have a footage of an earlier, more advanced game I was working on in the extras below.


Show debug info overlay
Show tiles around perimeter of visibility

Canvas Demo


Please download my resume as a pdf file to view it.


Here is some footage from an early version of a 2D platformer game I'm working on in my free time (using HTML5 canvas and Pixi.js). In this clip, you can also see some animations I made using Adobe Animate, such as the slime bouncing/exploding and the hair blowing in the wind. This is done in a process called frame-by-frame animation, which I have practiced for many years.

Here is a fan-made documentary about the history of the speedrunning community of my game The World's Hardest Game. There's a small biography of me at start of the video (from 0:12 - 1:00), and at the end of the video (from 50:47 - 53:50). As of writing this, the video has almost 2 million views. There are many other popular videos related to the game, such as when the popular Youtuber Markiplier played it.